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Talent concept: people-oriented, virtue first.

"People-oriented" is the core concept of the talent strategy of Royalstar Group. Talent is the main factor for the development and growth of enterprises. The company will use the talent, appoint the meritocracy, let it play its maximum potential and get the maximum profit.

Talent strategy has always been an important part of the development strategy of Royalstar Group. "know the best use of people, appoint the best of the people," is the purpose of employing personnel, "absorb talent, develop talent" is the policy. It is also the core of the talent strategy. In the 61-year growth course of Royalstar Group, talents have laid a solid foundation for the Group to become the pioneer of the industry.

"People-oriented, virtue first" is an important concept of Royalstar corporate culture, talent is the first resource, is the basis of the development of enterprises, the foundation of competition. Virtue over talent, called a gentleman; We need to make sure that this person is of moral character. If not, the best person will not benefit. There is broad room for personal development and a good environment for personal growth in Royalstar. Effective performance appraisal incentive mechanism, rich corporate culture and generous welfare; At Royalstar, there is a scientific set of human resources management for recruitment, selection, use and development System. All this makes every ideal and talented person able to perform their own talents in their respective positions and realize their self aspirations.

Talent structure

(1)The group of competent people: they occupy the majority of the social talent structure. They are usually pragmatic, very capable, have a certain working experience and practical operational ability. They have a certain command ability. Have certain skills, can be proficient in demonstration operation, can lead subordinates to complete the task well.

(2) General talent groups: talent accounts for a small proportion of the social talent structure, usually serving as the head of a department (or project) in an enterprise and managing the work. They have expertise and are able to develop business plans. Ability to organize, direct, motivate, supervise subordinates, execute firmly and correct timely.

(3) Command ability groups: the proportion of leader talent in the social talent structure is even smaller, they are leaders, commander-in-chief talents, such as the professional managers of enterprises, etc. They have the ability to manage enterprises in an all-round way. Familiar with macro control and micro operation of enterprises. They are also interested in things outside the organization, they are sensitive, judgment, decision-making, energy, resilience are very strong, have excellent sense of innovation, execute firmly. The correction is timely, has the very strong personality charm.

(4) generalists groups: generalists, also known as compound talents. Such talent is also relatively scarce in the structure of social talent. They have rich knowledge, more comprehensive work experience and can hold at least three different related jobs in the enterprise.

Talent recruitment

The so-called "state by the state, talent for urgent", talent is the source of sustainable development of enterprises, plays a decisive role in the development of enterprises. Hefei Royalstar Electronic Appliance Group Co.,  Ltd. should be the development of the times, developed a long-term talent strategic planning, recruitment plan is being prepared, you are invited to join!

Talents training 

Training purposes

By cultivating more people with good management level, good dedication and innovative spirit to continuously improve the company's market competitiveness and ensure the company's sustainable development. More through the backbone of the talent team give full play to lead and vanguard exemplary role to drive the team's enthusiasm.

The direction and goal of training

Training direction:

① have good self-management, team management and business management capabilities;

② has a strong language skills and communication skills;

③have a healthy psychological quality, a higher level of professional ethics and norms of professional behavior;

④ has a strong practical and innovative ability to work on their own;

⑤ identity with the company's values, adapt to the needs of the development of the company's  

Training objectives:

So that the training target is 1-3 years to become the company department manager, department heads and other management cadres reserve.

training range

The staff of our company.

Training principles

① the principle of continuity. Personnel training in principle at least once every two years to ensure the supply of outstanding personnel.

② job rotation principle. The process of personnel training should be carried out on a regular basis to ensure the comprehensive improvement of comprehensive ability.

③ choose the principle used. Employees to participate in training should have a more clear path to career development.

④ common culture principles. Talent training programs developed by the Talent Management Committee, human resources and employment departments to jointly carry out training.

Personnel training process 

According to the company's development strategy requirements, to determine the required personnel standards → Inventory of existing personnel, the departments carry out comprehensive ability survey → departments to recommend, by the talent management committee to determine the personnel training object → 1-2 personnel training methods, the designated training Object training → assessment of the training object, into the reserve cadre library.

Note: The so-called 1-2 personnel training, that is: each management cadre training two key personnel.

Training methods

① conference training. Participants for the management and personnel backbone. Meet 1-2 times a month to discuss a topic and encourage innovation, about 2 hours each.

② theoretical training. Theoretical training mainly cultivate comprehensive quality, that is, responsibility, honesty, teamwork, knowledge and ability. Students should take basic management courses, personal quality improvement courses, sales courses and team cooperation course, and report the learning progress on a monthly basis.

③ practice training. The emphasis of practical training is to improve the professional operational ability of professionals, especially the ability of management and business development, and to verify the effectiveness of theoretical learning through the solution of practical problems and the breakthrough in performance.

The concept of talent: everyone is a useful talent.

Principle: three public-fair, just, open

Cadre Management:

⑴ be controlled in place; ⑵ promotion by competition; ⑶ goal quantization ; ⑷ the lowliest one to be eliminated

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